Oct 2, 2018

Trip to the Butterfly Conservatory in Cambridge ON

Butterflies of Egypt

On July 29th @ 1pm my family and I travelled to Cambridge ON where we spent 2 great hours at the butterfly conservatory. On display were the butterflies of egypt and it was quite peaceful and amazing to experience.. I highly recommend this trip.

Cambridge Butterfly Conservatory

Upon arrival :-)
Butterflies of Egypt On July 29th @ 1pm my family and I travelled to Cambridge ON where we spent 2 great hours at the butterfly conservatory. On display...
Butterflies of Egypt On July 29th @ 1pm my family and I travelled to Cambridge ON where we spent 2 great hours at the butterfly conservatory. On display...
Little guy eating a banana
Butterflies of Egypt On July 29th @ 1pm my family and I travelled to Cambridge ON where we spent 2 great hours at the butterfly conservatory. On display...
Butterflies of Egypt On July 29th @ 1pm my family and I travelled to Cambridge ON where we spent 2 great hours at the butterfly conservatory. On display...
Butterflies of Egypt On July 29th @ 1pm my family and I travelled to Cambridge ON where we spent 2 great hours at the butterfly conservatory. On display...
Trying to catch some guys in action... hard to see
Butterflies of Egypt On July 29th @ 1pm my family and I travelled to Cambridge ON where we spent 2 great hours at the butterfly conservatory. On display...
Butterflies of Egypt On July 29th @ 1pm my family and I travelled to Cambridge ON where we spent 2 great hours at the butterfly conservatory. On display...
Butterflies of Egypt On July 29th @ 1pm my family and I travelled to Cambridge ON where we spent 2 great hours at the butterfly conservatory. On display...
getting ready for takeoff


There were some gigantic bugs on display too... luckily they were not out crawling around....

Butterflies of Egypt On July 29th @ 1pm my family and I travelled to Cambridge ON where we spent 2 great hours at the butterfly conservatory. On display...
Butterflies of Egypt On July 29th @ 1pm my family and I travelled to Cambridge ON where we spent 2 great hours at the butterfly conservatory. On display...
Butterflies of Egypt On July 29th @ 1pm my family and I travelled to Cambridge ON where we spent 2 great hours at the butterfly conservatory. On display...
Butterflies of Egypt On July 29th @ 1pm my family and I travelled to Cambridge ON where we spent 2 great hours at the butterfly conservatory. On display...
Butterflies of Egypt On July 29th @ 1pm my family and I travelled to Cambridge ON where we spent 2 great hours at the butterfly conservatory. On display...
African Two-Spotted Assassin Bug - Liquefies the insides of their prey with venom which they slurp out...
Butterflies of Egypt On July 29th @ 1pm my family and I travelled to Cambridge ON where we spent 2 great hours at the butterfly conservatory. On display...
Lubber Grasshopper
Butterflies of Egypt On July 29th @ 1pm my family and I travelled to Cambridge ON where we spent 2 great hours at the butterfly conservatory. On display...
Silkworm months occur worldwide and are very large, their caterpillars are amont the most spectacular because of their colourful decorations.
Now it's time to leave ... LOL
Hanging with some bees and things
Hanging with some bees and things

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Director, Business Development - Dadavan Systems


Justin Moore

Director, Business Development Phone: 902-861-1357 Cell: 902-478-6270