Kwe' - hi
Me' tal-wuleyn - how are you?
Eptek - hot
Kiskuk - today
Nemultis - see ya
Kwe' - hi
Welikiskik - nice day out
Weju'sik - it's windy
tekke'k means cold & tekklikwe'k is really cold
Kwe' - hi
Pesaq - it is snowing
Kekpesaq - it is raining
Kesalul ~ I love you
Welikiskik - nice day
Kiskuk- today
Jipuktuk - Halifax
Now it doesn't have to be in any order - it will make sense
Kwe' - hi
Kumi - ice
Bonus: nemultis - see you later (no byes)
Kwe' - hi
1) Weli eksitpu'k - good morning 2) Wela'lin- thank you
Ajipuni kiskuk - my bday today
Another request:
Kwe' = hi/hello
Weli eksitpu'k = good morning
Wela'lin = thank you(Also I'm outside #Popeyes)